Motherhood and Marriage
1990 - present
The paintings in this gallery reflect Kathryn’s life as a woman.
LIFE, 80 x 200cm, oil on linen, 2005
Jigsaw, 30 x 42cm, unframed gouahe on paper, 2003
Love Puzzle, 30 x 42cm, unframed gouache on paper, 2003
Blood Of Possibility, Mixed on paper, 75.5 x 56 cm, 1995
Finding The Light
A Pure Life Haunted
Where Are You
Living With Distance, oil on canvas, 120 x 160cm, 2003
Take It At One Step At A Time
Inner Life, 30 x 42cm, gouache on paper, 2003
Go West Young Women, 55 x 80 cm oil on canvas, 2003
Wedding Days, 30 x 42 cm, gouache on paper, 2003